$290.90 AUD

12 monthly payments

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Illuminate Payment Plan x12

A transformational coaching program for Mums to become unstoppable forces in their own lives through rediscovering who they are, what they want, and how to get it.

Illuminate is about...

🌟 Finding calm, positivity, and productivity amongst the busy-ness of your everyday life.

🌟 Replacing the engrained b/s stories and habits that have been playing on repeat in your life, with new stories and habits you consciously choose for yourself.

🌟 Genuinely improving your confidence so you will listen to that inner voice and go after what you want, to step into more of who you really are.

🌟 Putting you first (I’m guessing for the first time in a long time!) and celebrating what makes you the incredible, resplendent woman you are! Not just in your role as a mother, but YOU!

What you get...

🌟 9 powerful, life-changing Illuminate lessons delivered over 24 weeks, with accompanying lesson plans

🌟 12 fortnightly live group coaching calls via Zoom, with replays

🌟 Lifetime membership to the Illuminate private Facebook community

🌟 A 1:1 strategy call with Benita

🌟 Lifetime access to the Illuminate online portal including Illuminate lesson content, various videos, audios, readings & resources from leaders & experts, and Benita’s recommended reading List

🌟 Access to Benita’s support via email and Facebook

🌟 BEFORE GRADUATION: Your own personalised Illuminate action plan.

 Terms and Conditions